This page of the website includes the latest news and information from the Deliverance team, including details on boat and product developments, your chance to meet us at the carp shows and top catches by anglers using our boats.

Special Offer
Date added: 14th May 2012
In view of the fact that we are being requested constantly since Christmas for second-hand boats, we have decided to produce an economy busting boat.
Specs; Black ABS
40MHz handset
150 metres range
Door hopper system
Batteries etc
12 months guarantee
Cash only - £450 plus post & packing.
4 Only
New Deal
Date added: 9th February 2012
We at Deliverance realise that due to the present economic situation everyone has to consider any serious monetary outlay. Our problem is that as our boats are completely built in England with 95% English components, we ourselves do not have much leeway when it comes to pricing. We feel that to help our customers, especially in the run-up to the Spring rush when everyone wants their new boat, we have come up with a solution which is very beneficial to all.
£100 deposit for boats [except the fishfinder boats which will have a £300 deposit to cover the fishfinder cost], and thereafter £100 per month on a standing order mandate [plus £25 p&p to be added to 1st payment].
PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL BOATS NOW OPERATE ON THE ULTRA RELIABLE AND TROUBLE-FREE 2.4G SYSTEM. All boats have chain drive rollover systems unless specified differently.
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DELIVERANCE BAIT BOATS: The ultimate long range, all weather bait boat